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Like Marvin K Mooney in the Dr. Seuss book Riesa is so fond of, the time has come for us to Go. Go. Go.

Our final week in PA was a busy one, between parties, preparing the RV for travel and getting in all of those last minute visits.

On September 10th we attended Ted Kriner’s retirement party, one of the wonderful people with whom I worked at the Department of Public Safety.

Over the years that we worked together he became very special to me. We joked around but knew when it was time to work hard. Everyone who worked with Ted understood that his office was like a “vortex”. Every time you walked through his door there was a chance that you could get sucked into having LONG, serious and sometimes mind bending conversations on a variety of subjects. I miss that the most.

Ted taught me a lot about emergency services, and crisis management and the importance of having a plan and practicing its execution.

Everyone had their own “Memorable Ted Moments” but two that we all shared in are:

The Leprechaun.


The “Two Different Shoes” birthday incident that seemed to go on at everyone’s birthday from then on out.


Ted touched so many people’s lives in a variety of ways. I feel honored to be among them and to be able to call him “friend”. Thank you Ted for everything. Love ya!

On Saturday, we pulled out of our daughter’s driveway where we had been parked for the better part of 3 months.


That was really hard; Riesa looked so sad. Even though we had come and gone with the RV several times during our visit, I think she knew this time was different.

We drove to Watsontown and stayed with our friends Andy and Candy. We helped them setup for our going away party that they were hosting on Sunday.


Sunday turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day of 75 degrees. It was nice to have all of our friends together again; the life-long and the new.


Because our focus was on the new grandchildren being born we didn’t get to spend as much time with our friends as we would have liked.


The suggestion was made that since John and I  are no longer around in February our annual “Cabin Fever” party should be changed to an “End of Summer” party.

(Our friends Jen and Matt Wagner)

Over the years our friends and some of our family have become friends with each other and they enjoy getting together.

(Riesa and cousin Julia)


Hopefully whether we make it back each August/September or not, they will continue to come together and celebrate.


We are on our way to Coffeeville, Kansas making stops in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina along the way. We will be in Kansas from October through December earning our gas money by working at one of Amazon’s fulfillment warehouse.

Apparently there will be a LOT of walking involved with this job. Better get my hiking boots out and start “training”.

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